As with all Community Gardens, there are Workshop attendance and Working Bee participation requirements for eligibility.
Just participate in 3 workshops and 3 working bees and you will be eligible for a Plot. This ensures that new Members have basic garden skills and it also gives you the chance to meet current Members and get a feel for how the garden operates.
Members with plots are required to continue to be involved in at least 3 working bees / community activities during each Membership Year.
Our working bees are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 3pm in the warmer months ( during daylight savings) and from 2pm in the cooler months. Check the calendar for details.
We hold workshops a couple of times a year, and Woollahra Council also run some in the garden. There are also workshops run but other councils and organisations that you can sign up for.
So come along any Sunday afternoon as that is when most Members are around.
Join our mailing list or follow us on Facebook to find out about upcoming events and to keep up-to-date with all the news.
Annual Fees
Annual (Financial Year) Fees
Membership: Single $50 / Family $80
Plot Fee $100
Check out our Good Gardening Guidelines and then download an application form