A community garden is a single piece of land gardened collectively by a group of people – here is how we make this space work:
RBCG is a Community space we share. It is important that Plots are maintained, weeds or diseased plants are disposed of and that all your items are kept within your Plot to reduce the chance of any trip hazards.
Members are asked to contribute to 5 activities or events each year to maintain their Membership eligibility.
Garden members can use the garden any time, but you will find more gardeners around on Sunday afternoons for communal gardening time and working bees. This is a great time to see what other people are doing, learn from them and share gardening tips.
Please be mindful of water use and any current water restrictions. Avoid watering in the hottest part of the day. Please ensure you mulch and water the plants not the soil. When you are at the Garden, check the Communal Plots and the mound to see if they need water too.
Everyone will need to help collect both green and brown waste for composting. Plants need both nitrogen and carbon. ‘Green’ waste doesn’t actually need to be green, but is usually moist, high-nitrogen-content waste. Brown waste is usually dry-content materials and very any tools and clean them before returning them to the shed. Please don’t take them home.
Please look after our tools and clean them before returning to the Shed. Report any broken tools or equipment to the committee or note them on the Member Messages Board in front of the shed.
If you notice the shed is untidy, feel free to help and place items back on the shelves, in drawers, in milk crates or on hooks.
Fruits, veggies, herbs and flowers grown in the communal beds are for everyone to share but we always try to leave some produce for the next person.
The codes for the gates are to be kept confidential and not shared with non-members. If you are the last one in the garden, make sure that all locks are secured, including the shed lock. Please let us know if there has been any disturbance in the garden. Guests are allowed in the garden only if accompanied by a garden member.
Short-term parking is available adjacent to the garden for dropping off loads. Please do not block the roadway as it is use by Woollahra Council, Sydney Water, and golf course staff.
Dogs need to be tied by the gate next to the shed at the Puppy Parking area whilst members are in the garden however they are not allowed off-leash (even when other garden members are not in the garden).
Smoking within the garden is not allowed.
Rose Bay Community Garden is a registered incorporated organisation, with decision making by a volunteer committee. This committee consists of local people who volunteer their time and skills.